Basil, a member of the mint family, is an ancient annual summer herb that is becoming a must in every kitchen. Basil is an essential everyday herb. The fresh variety has a pungent anise flavor, whereas the dried variety has more of a mint flavor. French varieties are even more pungent and anise smelling. Basil works well with rosemary (also a member of the Mint family), thyme, oregano, sage and parsley.
Basil is indigenous to India, and other tropical and subtropical areas of Asia and Africa.
American and European cuisines including Italian and French flavor many dishes with basil.
Basil goes well with most foods, and has a great affinity with tomatoes and tomato-based dishes, Consider using basil for these other foods: asparagus, beans dried and green, breads, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, cheeses and their dishes, chicken, cucumbers, eggs, eggplant, fruits, lamb, marinara gravies/sauces, onions, parsnips, pasta, peas, potatoes, rice, cold soups, spinach, stuffing, tuna, turkey, and vegetables.
Basil is believed to aid digestion and improve skin beauty.
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